|Pantaflix| Movie Stream The Gentlemen
- UK
- Release Year 2019
- average rating 8,2 of 10 Star
- runtime 113minute
- 120547 Votes
- director Guy Ritchie
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Movie Stream The gentlemen.
The Gentlemen is excellent. Colin Farrell is hilarious as Coach, although his 'toddlers' and their rap video was a little annoying. Charlie Hunnam using his actual voice meant he avoided the baaaaad cockney of Green Street and was indistinguishable from the terrible Jax of SOA. This was probably the best I've ever seen Hugh Grant act. The film within a film felt a bit too meta, and some what of a trope, but I'm being overly picky.
Watch this. Lots of lols.
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When all the critic reports come out and the inevitable 'mediocre' scorings appear don't be worried: this is a very good film and Ritchie is back to his best.
Snatch is a favourite of mine and I must say that this film surpasses it, in story, tone and cinematography. The twists are good, the jokes are great but what stands out are the performances. A 'star studded cast' seems to be the highlight of every movie nowadays but let me tell you, the majority of the performances in this film are oscar worthy and pure gold. I say majority of course because Jeremy Strong enlisted one of the worst acting performances I've seen this decade!
It is by far a better tribute to cinema than that 'Once upon a time' nonsense and I urge you to see this film.
The only drawback for me is the third act. Too many pipes are introduced late in the film which contributes to a somewhat lacklustre and crammed finale. But apart from that a solid film.
Movie stream the gentleman full. Movie stream the gentleman video. Richie's best film since snatch. Hugh Grant gives his best performance. He is simply brilliant, funny, little camp, but deadly. Go and watch ASAP.
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Movie Stream The gentleman. Movie stream the gentleman full movie. Movie stream the gentleman band. The gentleman movie stream online. I love Guy Ritchie's gangster flicks, particularly Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch and RocknRolla. They are violent, nasty and have that brilliant sense of humour that the British are renowned for. The Gentlemen is a return to that crime/black comedy that Ritchie is known for, although I probably wouldn't class this as much as a black comedy like his previous films, but it is definitely a cool, suave gangster flick. The cast couldn't have been more perfect, Matthew McConaughey is brilliant as the lead, and the other actors, Charlie Hunnam, Hugh Grant, Colin Farrell and Michelle Rockery (yes from Downton Abbey) are all superb and entertaining in their roles. I have had a lot of fun with this film and have seen it twice already. Definitely a recommendation if this is your sort of picture.
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